My Favorite
Lake Louise Photos & Memories

Perfect for Lake Louise Photos – Lake Agnes Tea House & Little Beehive

While I was sharing Lake Louise Photos of Plain of Six Glaciers Tea House hiking, Lake Agnes Tea House & Little Beehive popped up in my mind.

Lake Agnes Tea House where You can overlook Lake Louise

Now I would like to share my Banff and Lake Louise pictures / photos and memories of Lake Agnes Tea House and Beehives hiking with you.

Comparing Plain of Six Glaciers Tea House (5.5 km distance, 365 meters high), it takes more effort to hike up to Lake Agnes Tea House (3.5 km distance, and 367 meter’s elevation) and another 1 km to Little Beehive.

But it is worth the effort!

Remember when we first time hiked up to Lake Agnes Tea House with friends on a beautiful sunny day.

The trail quickly starts to climb uphill. There is no much to see on the first part of the trail because of the trees blocking views.

Once we get higher, there is one break at the trail’s first big switchback, where you have a nice view of Lake Louise and the mountains on the another side of the lake (see picture above).

The trial led us steady climbing and kids was getting tired quickly. I kept telling them “The yummy homemade desert is waiting for us up there” to make them move.

We passed Mirror lake over half way up. But we did not stop for break as everyone seems to be anxious to head to the tea house for desert (:=:)

Finally the trial led us to the waterfall which is directly below the tea house.

Have a drink break by the waterfall from Lake Agnes

There’s just enough room at the front of the waterfall to stand on a rock, relax, and enjoy nice views. Perfect place for Lake Louise Photos opportunities.

Overlook Lake Louise Ski Resort and Chateau Lake Louise

The picture above was taken when I was standing on the rock at front of waterfall.

Maya was having fun to jump on the rock at front of waterfall

I was surprised that she was not scared of height at that moment, and she was not rushing to tea house for desert either.

Then, a wood staircase takes us to the tea house and lake.

Lake Agnes – Nested in Canadian Rockies

You can catch a nice reflection of Mount Whyte (center) and Mount Niblock (right) in the water. It is perfect for beautiful Lake Louise photos

Historic Lake Agnes Tea House sit on the shore of Lake Agnes

The tea house is full of people and very busy. We had a long wait. Kids could not stay still to wait, and the they decided to play on the shore of lake to kill time instead.

Playing on the rocks by Lake Agnes

Finally we got food, and Maya was able to enjoy the homemade banana bread from Lake Agnes Tea House.

Are you curious about how the Tea house operate? how to get supply? etc.

Check the website of Lake Agnes Tea House has what you might ask.

From the tea house, there are more extended hiking options  you can choose: to hike Little BeehiveBig Beehive, or take a path to another tea house at the Plain of the Six Glaciers and loop back to Lake Louise.

When everyone was relaxing and enjoying desert, I decided to head up myself to Little Beehive which is 1 km from Lake Agnes Tea House.

It is hard to see anybody on the way to Little Beehive because most people don’t go beyond the tea house.

I was almost running up as I did not want others waiting for me. It is not difficult because of the tea house break.

On the half way, I can clearly see the Gazebo on the top of Big Beehive.

Gazebo Outlook of Big Beehive

Zoom-in the gazebo, very quite there.The gazebo is perfect place for taking beautiful Lake Louise photos.

If you go there for pictures which you want to be in, don’t forget to bring your photographer (:=:). Otherwise, you need good luck just like me (:=:).

Kept going, I easily found a turning spot just right off the trail where I can sit on the rock to enjoy the stunning view of Lake Louise (see the picture below).

I was lucky to see a person passing by and ask for taking the picture for me.

When getting closer to Little Beehive, there is very big opening area with lots flat rocks. I saw a group of people having little party on the rocks hanging on the edge of the cliff.

Overlook Lake Louise from Little Behive

The picture of overlooking Lake Louise and Bow Valley above was taken when I standing on one of rock close to the cliff on Little Beehive trail.

The picture above was taken when I almost get the little beehive. Do you see lots dots on the surface of the blue lake? They are canoes and kayaks.

The following Lake Louise photos were taken when I reached the summit of Little Beehive which provides an excellent panorama of the Bow Valley and Bow River, Lake Louise.

Lucky me again! I found a couple to take the picture for me (above)

I think the foundation above was once the site of a fire lookout.

I can closely see Chateau Lake Louise from Little Beehive

When talking to the couple who took picture for me, I realized that I missed a spot to view three lakes together.

After few pictures, I was rushing back down to try to find the spot, and I missed again as there is no one on the trial I can ask, until I catch up a group of people when I almost reached at tea house.   

Then I was rushing back up again, lucky me that I met a lady who hike here everyday with her dog, she brought me to the spot where I can see the three lakes. It is very close to where I took the Big Beehive picture earlier.

Finally I caught the shot of three lakes (below).

Lake Louise( Left), Mirror Lake (middle – front of Big Beehive) and Lake Agnes (right)

The picture above is not very clear. The following postcard of the three lakes is for your reference.

The postcard “Lakes in the Clouds” above was published by Coast Publishing Co.

Finally, I returned back to Tea house to met my family and friends.

Then we walk along the shore of the Lake Agnes to the west end.

Maya had lot energy after desert break. She continued to walk along the shore to the end of the lake west side of the lake).

The picture of Lake Agnes Tea House above was taken when we reached the west side of Lake Agnes.

OK, it is enough, time to head back.

Dancing on the Lake Louise shore

Maya was still having energy entertaining herself after we returned back down to Lake Louise.

My experience of this trip tells you that if you want to catch the best view of Lake Louise and Bow Valley, do not end-up to Lake Ages Tea House, keep going to Little Beehive at least.

OK, I have enough chat. Now, it is your turn!.

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